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Canvas for Parents


Please watch the videos below first for a quick overview of what Canvas is. There are some important features to get you started within each video. The videos are short, ranging from 2-5 minutes each. Mrs. Crowe has also provided a detailed PowerPoint slideshow to walk you through the process of both Student and Parent logins. After downloading and installing the app on your phone (available on all platforms) and creating a user login, if you have addition questions feel free to browse through the FAQs provided. We are always looking for ways to improve communication with parents, hopefully this helps.

FAQs Canvas: Parent Edition


1. How can I use Canvas on my mobile device as an observer?

2. How do I accept an invitation to join a course as an observer?

3. How do I link a student to my user account as an observer?

4. How do I view my list of observed students?


1. How do I use the Calendar as an observer?

Course Navigation

1. How do I navigate a Canvas course as an observer?

Global Navigation

1. How do I view my favorite courses in the Card View Dashboard as an observer?

2. How do I view global activity for my student’s courses in the Recent Activity Dashboard as an observer?

3. How do I view Grades in the Dashboard as an observer?

4. How do I view a list of all Canvas courses in which I am an observer?

5. How do I customize my Courses list as an observer?


1. How do I view the Grades page for a student as an observer?

Profile and User Settings

1. How do I reset my password as an observer?

2. How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as an observer?

3. How do I manage notifications for a single course as an observer?

4. How do I change the language preference in my user account as an observer?

5. How do I set up multi-factor authentication for my user account as an observer?

6. How do I view a QR code to log in to the Canvas mobile apps as an observer?

If you have more questions that aren't listed, be sure to check out CANVAS OBSERVER TABLE OF CONTENTS.

CCSD RECOMMENDED YouTube videos for Observers (Parents)

Canvas Observer - What is Canvas? An Introduction for Parents

Canvas Observer - Account Registration and Student Pairing

Canvas Observer - Overview of Canvas for Observers

Canvas Observer - Canvas Parent App

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